Friday, 27 November 2009

Self Portrait Plan

This is my final photo the outcome of this piece I think really represented the points that show me as me.

Basically my idea is to portray that I have two sides to my personality because one minute I can be happy and the next quite down due to my A.D.H.D. I will take two photographs one happy with natural colours and the other gloomy with black and grey colouring. Using photoshop I will split one phot in half and layer it on top of the other in an equal allighnment to show the twe side of my personality. By taking this photo in a neutral environment it wont inhance the background and cancel the effect of the finnished photo.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Studio Layout

This is the layout we used for our rag week photography sessions.

Rag Week

The week beggining 17th of November the media block participated in a sponsored rag week. I participated on one of the rag day which was the mad hats day. I also spent alot of time and effort taking pictures on all of the days which included the following examples;

Friday, 13 November 2009

studio photography notes

We learnt how to proffesionally use lighting for a photography studio. By not shining the light from a Red Head dirrectly at a subject and letting the light deflect of a surface the light becomes less harsh. Using a daylight filter (a blue gel) also helps to lessen the harshness of the light whilst giving a more natural looking light source. An infill light is used like a minature spotlight and helps cancell out shadowing on the subject, another way to cancel shadowing is to place a light source behind the subject and two in front of the subject to cancel out all shadowing (three point lighting). By using a deflector disk it bounces the light of it and into the subjet less harshly and helps to cancel shadowing. A light defuser is used for the light to pass through it but lessen the intensity of the light source.

Redhead Light

Friday, 6 November 2009

the world turned upside down

To prepare and take this photo it took me about two minutes. I took this photo using an upward angle i like this because it kind of shows the world from a different perspective like a child looking at the world. This was taken outside of the county mall.

i really like this photo as it took me agood deal of time and effort to get the picture right. it also helps to capture the dew drops on the grass to give it an added effect. I took this photo in Southgate playing fields. The subject for this photo is once again size related and looking at an object we wouldn't necessarily notice in a different perspective. The title for this picture is natures umberella.

i like this picture as it has alot of feeling behind it.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

decisive moment

For us to get this picture we set up and waited for the perfect image but the camera was slightly out again and this is our final image. I like this picture because of the slight blurring giving the effect of movement.

Out of the pictures we took, i like this picture this most, as it seems slightly humorous because of the movement and efect given of by this image.

In this picture we have tried to anticipate and succesfully take a picture using the decisive moment technique of a blue van still in motion.Unfortunately we had to try many times as the camera either didn't take picture at right times and zoom didnt work but we settled with this picture in the end. i don't really like this picture as it wasn't what i planned to have a final piece.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Robert Capa

An influential photographer and gifted at choosing to take a picture using the "decisive moment". He was born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary in the year 1913 and died in 1954 at the age of 40 years old. He prodemently focused his work on key moments of the war, like d-day and the vietnemese war.
picture of Robert Capa
loyalist militiaman at moment of death. (1936)

D-Day 6-6-1944

The idea of the decisive moment is that if one of these pictures were "shot" either a second before or after the could be completely different and change the meaning or feeling givin if it were of the decisive moment.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Urban VS Nature

I took this picture at a slight angle to give a mysterious feel to what would be naturally quite a tranquil setting. Unlike the past picture "Urban Intrusion" nature and uban construct look like they belong together. I have no name for this image yet.

This picture stood out to me as it shows both urban construct and and nature colliding with each other. It has a strong sense of competition between the two as construction gradually increases. Urban intrusion is the title for this image.

I chose to take this image as the nature in this picture kind of acts like a barrier between two urban types, the road and the building. I took this picture to get an effect of the barrier and the feel that even though there is allot of man-made constructs, nature is still there. I have no title for this image.

Alternative Landscape David Hocney

This picture is very intersting in the fact it has been composed to look as if it was the original view of sight. Starting with the close view of trees leading into a street with far away buildings.

Very weird picture including many people swimming at different paces or style. Not very interesting.

I like htis image as it looks like alot of time and effort has been put into it. Also even though it is placed in an odd fasion it looks like it would take on the same look as the original one image.

Alternative Landscape Andreas Gursky

Very puzzling picture, i chose this picture because i don't actually know what to think of it. the curverd lines and almost symetrical look is very off putting and doesnt draw me in.

This picture does include the golden third which is the globe in the middle. The variety of colour in this picture makes it seem almost art like and purpose made for that reason.

there is alot of colour included in this image and as the people get get further away from view the more it seems never ending.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

general notes on history of photography

Andre kertesz took a picture of Meudon proving even a simple picture that seems to show everyhtin can actually leave someone wanting to know more giving the idea of it still concealing the actual nature.
1839 was the supposed date of photogrpy we know bieng invented, but was actually the time when we found out we can fix the image.
a camera obscurer is a natural phenomenem in where a blacked out room wiht a single small amount of light is relased inot it to produce an upside down image of the outside.
Ansel Adams is a very famous landscape photographer usually focussing on baron and empty landscapes.

photo landscape

lanscape is generally a view of the sorrounding environment fitting as much into the picture itself.
foreground- detail at the front of the picture.
background- detail in the back of the picture.
golden third - most of the detail in the center of the picture.

Friday, 2 October 2009

photoshop images

Original picture 1

original picture 2

original picture 3

i have used the clone stamp tool to reproduce my own head.

by taking what was an already dark picture i have used to neon glow filter to give it an old like feel by turning it black and white.

in this picture i have decided to ue a textured filter called mosaic tiles to help complement the picture using the filter and light.

in this picture i have used the radial blur filter to make rest of the image except the fucus point (the center) twist to make it blured.

I have changes the filter to "glowing edges" from the original colours to get this rdical and colourful effect.

Friday, 25 September 2009

photo basics

SLR - single shot reflex.

Apperture- one way of controlling the intake of light by widening and shortening the lense. widening the lense is used in dark areas or night to help gather as much light intake and shortening the lense is or lighter or day pictures for less light intake. sizes between 2.4-22

Shutter speed- the slower the shuter the shutter speed exposes mored light to the film and the faster exposes less. speeds between 4 seconds and 1/4000 of a second.

if using hand held you have to set the speed as 1/25 of a second as minimum as the natural shake of the hand causes bluring on anything slower.

DOF depth of field the ower the F no. the smaller the DOF and vice versa.  

Thursday, 24 September 2009

TATE Modern

Your next post will be about your trip to the Movium and Tate Modern. I want you to put the titles and creators of the two works that you viewed, into two separate posts.

The first blog title will be. The Tate image I liked. In this post you will need:
  1. The title of the work, "block head" Picture of Blockhead 2003 by Paul McCarthy, Tate Modern, London, England - Free Pictures -
  2. Name of the artist "paul mcarthy"
  3. and a short description of the art work stating what you liked about it. I like this because it has a sense of futurism in it, also you can amke out a bodily shape in this sculpture but is hidden by the padding causing a barrier between us and the actual shape itself.
  4. Then try and find an image of it.

The second post will be about the work you disliked. use the same detail as above,
  1. Title of work, untitled
  2. Name of artist "claude monet"
  3. and why you disliked the work. It has no effect to any senses, doesnt draw my eye to the actual picture/object. No name was given for the painting. the colours are bright and vibrant but not used in a way where they become interesting or even have a meaning. It annoys me that something so easy to paint is famous and/or worth alot of money, for the the amount of effort not put into it.
  4. Again find an image of the work. Mark Rothko, Untitled, circa 1950-2

use the following links to search for the works

Friday, 18 September 2009

my intro to photography

I often take pictures on my digital camera mainly of my surroundings and people/nature in them surroundings. on some occasions i take pictures of friends and family at events using my mobile phone as it is small and easier to you use.